Given the following code:
import sass from 'node-sass'
export const getCSSString = (
file = 'src/styles/main.scss',
config: Partial<Parameters<typeof sass.renderSync>[0]>
): string =>
includePaths: ['node_modules'],
outputStyle: 'compressed',
sourceMap: false,
This code may have worked perfectly when your library lived in its own little repo. But now that you’ve put that library into a monorepo where there are nested folders and multple node_modules, things start to break.
A quick win may be to use the path
module, and add entries:
import sass from 'node-sass'
import path from 'path'
export const getCSSString = (
file = 'src/styles/main.scss',
config: Partial<Parameters<typeof sass.renderSync>>
): string =>
includePaths: [
path.resolve(__dirname, '../../node_modules'),
path.resolve(__dirname, '../../../../node_modules'),
outputStyle: 'compressed',
sourceMap: false,
Woohoo 🎉